I am Nicole. I am a 25 year old wife, Mama, blogger, vlogger, freelance photographer and aspiring videographer.
I have been a self taught photographer for 7 years. I started to teach myself photography from the age of 16 and have been growing and gaining more and more experiences via photoshoots for friends, family, my growing little family and now clients of my own.

I started my blog when my unborn son was 6 weeks gestation. My blog has grown and come so far since, re-blogging and typing 2 paragraph updates on the tumblr platform. I moved to blogger last October and then rebranded from 'Dear little Lucas' to 'The littlest darlings' this October, just before the birth of my second child - my daughter Iris. Since moving to blogger, I have focused more on my photography and have turned it into my side job. Photographing weddings, christenings, cake smashes, newborn shoots and on location shoots for clients, as well as photographing my Son, and now Daughter on a daily basis.

Other side projects I am proud of was a small dribble bibs company I ran for a small period of time, 'Little Lucas loves'. Becoming co-editor of 3 issues of a parenting and lifestyle blogger magazine; 'Littles'. I'm now blogging on Huffpost and a writer for Southampton Focus!

Photography, videography and freelance writing are my passions, and I love that I can work this job around my two young children, as well as being able to create beautiful photos for their memory boxes.

The reason I expanded to 'The littlest darlings photography' is to create beautiful photos for others to add to their memory boxes. Capturing their littlest darlings, their littlest memories and their biggest moments and days.